Does the Larger mAh Number on Your Cell Phone Battery Mean a Better Battery?

Hello friends today are talking about the biggest myth related to the battery life of smartphones. Is this myth really true or is it just a myth? Today are going to reveal it…

For those who are here for Single Line Answer

It is just a myth. The battery is totally depends on the usage of the user. More mAh doesn’t mean more battery life. mAh is actually a unit for measuring an ‘electric charge’. mAh means Milli-Ampere Hours.

So if you are here for complete detailed answer then you can read further for complete knowledge.

mAh – Milli-Ampere Hours

mAh is a unit of measuring an ‘Electric Charge’. Its full form is Milli-Ampere Hours. mAh is the most common and easiest way to express the quantity of small batteries like we use in our daily life and smartphones’ batteries are one of them. Its larger unit is Ah which is equal to 1000 mAh (1 Ah=1000 mAh). If the battery is of 1 Ah, this means that the battery can storage 1000 mAh of electric current in a time when it will fully charged.

A battery has a reservoir which helps to supply charge. If the battery will have to supply less charge in a time then its reservoir will last longer and drains later but if that battery will have to supply much more charge then its reservoir will gets drained quickly.

Relation Between mAh to Battery Life

If you want to calculate the exact battery’s life then you can easily find it with just a little calculation. Simply, divide the capacity of the battery by the current required by the object. For example if your battery has a capacity of 1000 mAh and your device required 500 mA to function then your device will work for two hours (1000/500=2). But if you replaced that battery with the larger one, for example 2000 mAh, in same device then that device will work for four hours (2000/500=4).

Usage is Important

The battery life any smartphone is totally depends on the usage of the user, as we say above. If you use many application simultaneously on a device then it will required more current to function that device. But if you use less applications then it will required less current to function.

To understand it let’s take an example, the average mileage of a car is depends on the weight of the car. If the weights of two cars are 2500 kg and 1500 kg then the mileage of heavy car will definitely less than the light one, if they have same engine. And it also depends on the driver. If the driving style of the heavy car will change then it may have same or more mileage than light one. So start using less application at a time to increase your battery life.

Some of the people also say that more mAh means that your camera will work for more hours. So it is actually true, you can say that if you have more mAh then your smartphone’s camera will stand for longer time than less mAh one.

We think that we are able to give all the information related to this topic. If you want to ask anything then comment below we love to hear from you and share it with your friends. If you have extra knowledge then comment below we will add this in our article.

Thanks for reading…


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