What is Password?
A password is a word or string of characters used for user authentication to prove identity or access approval to gain access to a resource (example: an access code is a type of password), which is to be kept secret from those not allowed access.The use of passwords is known to be ancient. Sentries would challenge those wishing to enter an area or approaching it to supply a password or watchword, and would only allow a person or group to pass if they knew the password.
In modern times, user names and passwords are commonly used by people during a log in process that controls access to protected computer operating systems, mobile phones, cable TV decoders, automated teller machines (ATMs), etc.
A typical computer user has passwords for many purposes: logging into accounts, retrieving e-mail, accessing applications, databases, networks, web sites, and even reading the morning newspaper online.
So we have to make a strong password and safe us from hackers.
Let's start...
Some of the tips which are given by the companies to use for password
- Strong passwords help prevent unauthorized people from accessing files, programs, and other resources, and should be difficult to guess or crack. A good password:
- Is at least eight characters long
- Doesn't contain your user name, real name, or company name
- Doesn't contain a complete word
- Is significantly different from previous passwords
- Contains uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols
Some other important tips to remember when you are creating password
Don’t just use one password:
It’s possible that someone working at a site where you use that password could pass it on or use it to break into your accounts at other sites.Create passwords that are easy to remember but hard for others to guess.
When possible, use a phrase such as “I started 7th grade at Lincoln Middle School in 2004” and use the initial of each word like this: “Is7gaLMSi#2004.” And make them at least a little different (by adding a couple of unique letters) for each site. On some sites you might even be able to type in the entire phrase.Make the password at least 8 characters long.
The longer you create - The longer you safe and Longer is BETTER! Longer passwords are harder for thieves to crack.Include numbers, capital letters and symbols.
Consider using a $ instead of an S or a 1 instead of an L, or including an & or % – but note that $1ngle is NOT a good password. Password thieves are onto this. But Mf$J1ravng (short for “My friend Sam Jones is really a very nice guy) is an excellent password.Don’t use dictionary words:
If it’s in the dictionary, there is a chance someone will guess it. There’s even software that criminals use that can guess words used in dictionaries.Weak Password
First, look at a few weak passwords to understand why these put you at risk:
The word "Password" is the most commonly used password and it is pathetically weak - as are ’default’ and ’blank’. These are simple words and easily guessed or broken with a hacker program that uses a dictionary assault on the password.Marshall1968
Though this uses 12 characters and includes letters and numbers, names that are associated with you or your family, or uses other identifying information such as birth year, are easily hacked.F1avoR
Though it mixes up capitols and numbers, it is too short and substituting the number 1 for the letter l is easy to guess.Here are some other most used passwords:
- 123456 (Unchanged)
- password (Unchanged)
- 12345678 (Up 1)
- qwerty (Up 1)
- 12345 (Down 2)
- 123456789 (Unchanged)
- football (Up 3)
- 1234 (Down 1)
- 1234567 (Up 2)
- baseball (Down 2)
- welcome (New)
- 1234567890 (New)
- abc123 (Up 1)
- 111111 (Up 1)
- 1qaz2wsx (New)
- dragon (Down 7)
- master (Up 2)
- monkey (Down 6)
- letmein (Down 6)
- login (New)
- princess (New)
- qwertyuiop (New)
- solo (New)
- passw0rd (New)
- starwars (New)
To avoid these easy to guess or hack passwords try one or more of the following tricks:
Use a phrase and incorporate shortcut codes or acronyms
These examples let you use phrases that either mean something to you, or you associate with a type of website. For example, the ’all for one and one for all’ may be the password for a social networking site where it’s all about sharing. It could be phrase about money for a banking site, and so on.- 2BorNot2B_ThatIsThe? (To be or not to be, that is the question - from Shakespeare)
- L8r_L8rNot2day (Later, later, not today - from the kids rhyme)
- 4Score&7yrsAgo (Four score and seven years ago - from the Gettysburg Address)
- John3:16=4G (Scriptural reference)
- 14A&A41dumaS (one for all and all for 1 - from The Three Musketeers, by Dumas)
Use passwords with common elements, but customized to specific sites: These examples tell a story using a consistent style so if you know how you write the first sections, and you’re on the login page for a site you’ll know what to add.
- ABT2_uz_AMZ! (About to use Amazon)
- ABT2_uz_BoA! (About to use Bank of America)
- Pwrd4Acct-$$ (Password for account at bank)
- Pwrd4Acct-Fb (Password for account at Facebook)
Play with your keyboard
You don’t have to think of it just as the numbers you see, it can also be a canvas to draw on.Keyboard-password
1qazdrfvgy7, is really hard to remember unless you know that it’s a W on your keyboard -that’s a lot easier to remember! You can make letters, shapes, and more just ’drawing’ on the keyboard.Add emoticons

We thought you are able to create your own never hacked Password.
Read our these posts to know more about these topics:
- What is User ID and Password?
- What Is Identity Theft?
- How Hackers Can Steal Your ID?
- How Hackers Used Your ID?
- How To Protect From Hackers & Examples...
- Top 500 Hacked Passwords
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