
Hello Friends, today we are going to talk about Troubleshooting...


Troubleshooting is problem solving applied whenever there is a failed process. It is used to repair that failed process on a system or a machine. It search logically and systemically whole process and find out the problem in process and then solve it. 

This solving process of troubleshooting helps the machine to do operational process again. It needed to find or identified the symptoms in process. When troubleshooting process end, it will requires your confirmation to repair it. If you give it the confirmation then it will repair it to its working state.

In general words, troubleshooting identified the trouble in the management which caused failure in the process. After that it describes the trouble as malfunction and start remedying that cause. While processing, any unaccepted or undesirable behavior take place is called as symptom. Symptom is responsible for the trouble in process.

To understand the process let’s take an example, you want to print something so you select the ‘print’ option from the menu and fill your requirements and the process of converting a soft copy to hard copy is taking place but then, some undesirable or unexpected behavior took place and failed the whole processing. The result – Nothing is printed. Then we can use Troubleshooting process for the correction so this type of similar process failure will not take place in further processes.

Troubleshooting process is applied when there is a sudden failure in your process. From above example, you printer was working well when it was plugged but suddenly your printer stopped due to some trouble.

To understand this concept better let’s take another simple example, when the light bulb burn out, it actually happened because there was cooling and heating in its filaments and there was also some fluctuations in power supply. So it doesn’t burn out suddenly it is because of its continuous small-small failure. So when we talk about electronic machines it also takes place.

While troubleshooting process it starts from the simplest problem which could took place in process then lead to the less occur problems. In troubleshooting, troubleshooter checks each component one by one and head forward when there is no problem. It is a type of table it checks the component systematically and in an essential order. This systematical searching of problem gives it more accuracy and efficiency. There are the system in which troubleshooter checks the trouble in a failed process.

  • Top-Down: Troubleshooter start checking from the Application layer to down. In this shooting technique, shooter checks the problem on the basis on user and application’s point of view.
  • Bottom-Up: Troubleshooter start checking from the physical layer to up.
  • Divide and Conquer: This is little bit typical to understand, in simple language – Troubleshooter start checking in the middle and the move to up or down. While using wireless or wired connectivity, it will best to use Divide and Conquer type of troubleshooting.

There will (may be) more than one error in the process. No problem, troubleshooter is made for more than one error so it can easily detect more than one error in process. Troubleshooting process is also used to find the viruses in a system. It uses in installing of cables and hubs etc.

Troubleshooting process is made to help you but if you had done all the steps and still your problem had not solved it’s better to take your laptop or computer to the repair shop. So it will be evaluated by the expert.

I hope you understand the working of Troubleshooting. If you have any question related to this topic then feel free to comment.

Thanks for Reading…


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