Difference Between 32-Bit and 64-Bit | Which is Better? | 32-Bit vs 64-Bit

Hello friends, today we are going to talk about 32-Bit and 64-Bit Processor.

Difference Between 32-Bit and 64-Bit

32-Bit processor was the primary processor, Windows 95, 98 and XP was running on 32-Bit processor. But after the creation of 64-Bit processor by IBM in 1991, technology took a noticeable turn. But 64-Bit processor came in use for common people when Microsoft launched its operating system Windows 7 and 8 with 64-Bit processor.

After that the confusion arise, what is the difference between 32-Bit Processor and 64-Bit processor. The biggest difference between 32-Bit Processor and 64-Bit processor is the number of calculation done by CPU simultaneously. It also affect the speed of the computer system.

The next big difference between 32-Bit Processor and 64-Bit processor is: RAM support. 32-Bit Processor CPU only support less than 4 GB RAM whereas 64-Bit processor can support more than 4 GB RAM.

The varies in the support of RAM also give the advantage to 64-Bit Processor in gaming. Most of the best games which have excellent graphics required more RAM which only possible in 64-Bits.

This feature is also useful for engineers, web designers etc. They use high level softwares which mostly support 64-Bit processor.

Another advantage for 64-Bit users is they can install an operating system with both 32-Bit Processor and 64-Bit processor but 32-Bit users can only installed operating system with 32-Bit processor.

In the end, 64-Bit processor quickly taking the place in every home, because of its extra advantages. Now after this, decision is yours because you are the one who have to use the computer. Please choose the right processor as per your requirements.

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