Guest Post

In this blog you are not read only our knowledge but you have a chance to share your knowledge in this blog. If we like your knowledge then we post on our blog with your name, Gmail / Email ID, age, profession, website / blog (if you have) and your photo (if you want to share).

But there is some requirement for share your knowledge, there are not a big list but are some terms which you have already know but read once, are as follows:

That your post is in detail and not copyrighted post. If you give copyrighted post so we add you in the list of scammer and we do not give reply of your question, never post your knowledge either you write it on your own. So make it sure that you post will be not copyrighted or not to be taken from newspaper, magazines, or from others.

Make sure that your post must have 300+ words without copy from anywhere. If we like your post then we post that on our but if we not like your post we give reason and tell you via email or gmail. Give your knowledge (give to us in our ID given at Contact us page) and contact us on our ContactUs page.
